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For the first time in the past few years Russia will present pavilion occupying maximum of possible area - 6000 sq. m. This event will be a major center for scientific, business and cultural activity. The structure of the pavilion is 12 majestic towers linked by a common base. Created in accordance with the principles of the ancient settlements of the Slavs, the structure symbolizes life and the sun. The main colors of the external design of the pavilion are white, red and gold.

The basic idea, embodied in the architectural appearance of the Russian pavilion at EXPO 2010, is the image of a huge, boundless country inhabited by the majority of nations that have preserved their national and religious roots, language, traditions and culture. Together they form a unit - Russia.

Towers of Russian pavilion are decorated with national ornaments of various peoples of our multinational country, and combine many ideas related to the theme of the exhibition and the image of Russia. The towers, with an ultra-modern form, symbolize the fast-growing modern megapolises. At the same time they "admit" in the space between them a natural park, as an integral part of the urban environment.

Floor plan is similar to the Old Slavonic prototypes of the settlements (the ancient city Arkhaim at the Russian Urals, 3-2 millennia BC), and to such famous structures as Stonehenge in England. It reminds the symbolic flower of life or the sun, the roots of the world tree (branchy oak of the Slavs), at the branches of which Heaven of life lies.

The platform at the base of the building defines the fundamentals of life, cultural and historical roots, connections of the society with previous generations and nature.

"Better City - Better Life" is disclosed by the exposition of Russian pavilion “New Russia: city and people”. Exposition has the sections: "Regions of the Russian Federation", "New technologies for life support," Russia is open to dialogue "," City of the Future by Children's Eyes", "City of talents".