Map of the Pavilion

Expanding the theme of Expo 2010 "Better City - Better Life", exposition of the pavilion is divided into two basic levels.
The first level: demonstration of achievements in the field of urban planning, new technologies and also expositions of regions are placed here. Expositions are located in three towers: expositions of regions are in the Towers 6 and 9; Tower 4 is devoted to innovative technologies. Tower 7 (conference hall) is for the events of the business program. Exposition of urban and architectural projects created on the basis of children's drawings on the theme "What should I do to make my city better" is located in the central zone. . Thus follows the gentle transition to the main idea of the second level.

The second level: A City of Talents is a wonderful city park for children and adults. It is situated on the second level and is a model of an ideal city, where inventions and innovations make life of the city dwellers harmonious. And residents of this city are children, who will implement the most ambitious ideas and projects of present.