EXPO 2010 for children, the rating of the pavilions of participants
The rich history of the World universal exhibition includes almost 150 years, but only the EXPO 2010 is such a child-friendly, interesting and accessible for young visitors. Children are increasingly integrated into the adult world, and it can not affect its development. The young people actively involved in the construction of new children's vision and children's ideas are embodied in large projects. Children bring to the modern world of man-made part of your spontaneity and carefree joy.
At Expo 2010, many countries have focused on the accessibility and comprehensibility of the disclosure of ideas in an interactive, arcades methods of presenting information, which thus becomes available not only for adults but for children.
We present our rating Pavilion Exhibitors EXPO 2010, which most fully lit nursery theme and that will be interesting to visit with children.
Pavilions, which are best revealed the theme of childhood and are of interest to children:
The Russian pavilion is rightly regarded as the most interesting and suited for visits with children: The atmosphere of immediacy and child at the same time illuminated many important issues related to children's programs, children's contribution to building a city of the future, the latest methods of child rearing. Arriving in the Russian pavilion at EXPO 2010, and the children and their parents can find a lot of interesting, useful and entertaining. They are waiting for Children's Quarter, where I grew up city of the future designed by young artists, the vast city of talents, which advanced the development of Science and Technology given as a clear and accessible style of play, children from different countries, telling his dreams about the cities of the future, as well as lots of other interesting exhibits and materials.
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Visitors of Spain pavilion meets a giant baby, who surprisingly accurately conveys different emotions: smile, happy, sometimes sad. Also visitors are welcome by laughing children, the video which are projected onto the walls of the pavilion. Due to the dynamic effects and a large number of interesting footage in the pavilion to a holiday atmosphere and immediacy of child.
More information about the Pavilion of Spain
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Holland pavilion is called "Happy Street," and falling here children are really happy - such a big and complex world around them here becomes clear and so entertaining. Bright colorful elements, the set of stairs and multilevel platforms, a lawn for the rest - all this leads children into raptures. And incidentally, they can learn about the application of solar energy and advanced manufacturing cars technology.
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Organizers of the pavilion of Germany came to the event with German thoroughness and seriousness, but it did not prevent them from doing the exposure light, entertaining and interesting to children. Huge scenery and talking characters await young visitors at the German pavilion. Also a specially equipped children's room and a large number of entertaining games are waiting of them.
More information about the Pavilion of Germany
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The home country, a favorite of children around the world Pippi Longstocking, has made this famous children's book heroine of one of the participants of the exposition. She greets visitors in the nursery, stay in which will please any child's set of child equipment for climbing, crawling, rolling and jumping.
More information about the Pavilion of Sweden
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