Regions of Russia at EXPO 2010

Expositions of Russian regions keep substituting each other in the Russian pavilion at the Universal Exposition EXPO 2010 in Shanghai. Each region displays its own peculiarities, traditions and perspectives of its development. Visitors can see not only lifestyle and wealth of the regions, but also their investment attractiveness. Moreover, all the regional exhibitions attracted the attention of visitors by their original design solutions. Each exhibition is a unique project that reveals the opportunities and directions of development of the region with advanced design technologies and the latest developments in the process of their implementation.

Brief descriptions of the Russian, which were presented at the EXPO 2010 in Shanghai:


































Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, became the first Russian region to demonstrate the exposition in Shanghai. The exhibition is based on the attempt to combine the region's traditional life style and the unique local nature with gas production industry that is crucial in the region. Visitors can get acquainted with the latest technologies that are used in the region for the conservation of local landscapes and lifestyles of indigenous peoples.
The exposition also included an exhibition of cultural objects and traditional craft in the autonomous area, such as carved bone and wood, fur and embroidery, mosaic deer hair. Special attention of visitors was caught by mini-workshop, where the master created workpieces from the bone in front of the visitors.
Potential partners of the region could get all the necessary information to establish mutually beneficial cooperation in high-tech and knowledge-intensive sectors that are extensively developing in the region.
More information about the Russian pavilion
View pictures of YANAO exposition


Orenburg region

Orenburg region is a region of Russia, the territory of which is the border between Europe and Asia. So culture and everyday life in the region include elements of many various cultures and national peculiarities. That is why the main theme of the exposition became the slogan "Land of energy fusion".
The exhibition is based on the symbols and the original branches of the Orenburg region - bread, salt and shawls. In the center there is a symbolic model of the Orenburg, made of stylized salt crystals. It is supported by the white threads of traditional down shawl, on which salt crystals are strung. Around the installation of the wheat the grain sea is placed, which combined with salt symbolizes hospitality, which Orenburg region is famous for. The area is represented as a gateway of Russia to Asia, region that is opened to everyone and welcomes the guests with bread and salt, blurring out the borders between different cultures.
The exposition represented the foreign economic and investment prospects of the region in order to develop the potential of mutually beneficial cooperation with China.
More information about the Russian pavilion
View pictures of Orenburg region exposition


Novosibirsk region

Novosibirsk region is an outstanding Russian region in which scientific institutions in Russia, the so-called "think-tank" are gathered. So as the basis of the exposition was taken the concept of Akademgorodok, that combined the pristine Siberian nature and modern scientific institutions.
What is more, one of the recent largest investment projects - Technology Park based in Akademgorodok was presented as part of the exhibition. In addition, an unusual "smart wood", where innovations in various fields of science and industry grow directly on the trees was shown to the visitors.
More information about the Russian pavilion
View pictures of Novosibirsk region exposition


Amur region

The exposition of Amur region is based on the theory of four powers that can be found in the region: Earth, Air, Water and Fire. The choice of such a concept is not occasional. Amur landscapes are very diverse and are suitable for different branches of agriculture and forest industries.
Air symbolizes the latest developments in the space industry, which is extensively developing in the region. Water in the Amur region is of particular importance as Amur is one of the largest rivers in the Asian region and it is widely used for generating electricity. Fire symbolizes mineral resources, which are the raw materials base for the whole Far East region and "warms" its economy. But still there is the fifth element - a human who properly directs the energy of Earth, Air, Water and Fire.
In general, the exposition of the Amur region makes the visitors acquainted with the wealth, traditions and peculiarities of the Amur region and the prospects of its economic development.
More information about the Russian pavilion
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Tula region

Tula region is a birthplace of the Russian writer and philosopher Leo Tolstoy, who preached the principles of harmony with the environment. That is why as the main theme of the exposition the unity of man and nature, as well as the advantages of living in small towns was chosen. The philosophy of Leo Tolstoy's to the large extent corresponds to the teachings of the Chinese sage Lao-tzu, what makes the exposition of the Tula region understandable and attractive to Chinese visitors. Centerpiece of the exhibition is the Tula Lion, which is a symbol of greatness, and at the same time is a symbol of knowledge in Chinese cultural studies and, what is more, the name of Leo Tolstoy.
Visitors can watch the colorful informational video that describes the peculiarities and traditions of the Tula region, gives the information about the investment prospects of the region.
More information about the Russian pavilion
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Nizhny Novgorod region

Nizhny Novgorod region Exposition of the Nizhny Novgorod region presented to the visitors a new vision of the traditional Russian nested dolls. New modern nesting dolls became a symbol of successful combination of traditions and modern technologies, retaining all the best and bringing something new to life.
Both dolls - traditional and "innovative "- welcomed visitors of the pavilion. Thanks to the vivid and memorable visualization of the idea of the exposition it was clear to everyone without translation. Moreover, the colorful decoration of exhibition space and made the presented images memorable.
More information about the Russian pavilion
View pictures of Nizhny Novgorod region exposition


Rostov region

The motto of the exposition became the slogan "Live playing". Rostov region aimed at demonstrating how you can improve and spice up typical city blocks of the last century.
A whole street with banks, pharmacies, libraries and residential homes appeared in the tower. But the buildings of the street were unusual: each of them appealed to the visitors through its functionality and bright colors. Such a joyful city is not only an excellent example of optimal usage of space, but also an effective remedy against boredom and bad mood.
More information about the Russian pavilion
View pictures of Rostov region exposition


Sakha (Yakutia) Republic

Sakha illustrates all aspects of urban civilization under the extreme north conditions and gives visitors the opportunity to exchange experiences of urban development, innovative ideas and explore new approaches to assessing human habitat, lifestyle and working conditions in modern society.
The central element of the exhibition is the installation of "Land Olonkho representing the center of innovative solutions, the means of cultural interaction in respect of the modern urban traditions and the prospects for future urban development. Video content at the beginning of the exposition conveys to visitors the idea that the world is connected by invisible threads of time and space. Cities appeared as the result of myth-making, when the ancient storytellers gathered people around to tell them stories about gods, heroes, times of the universe creation, and the main audience were children. Perhaps in their imagination future cities of the world were born.
Next to the screen Salam (good wishes symbolic fence) is placed, to which visitors of the exposition according to the national rituals can tie colorful silk ribbons. A girl in national costume standing near the Salam hands out ribbons to visitors and explains the meaning of the ritual to them.
The cities of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and schematic map of the Republic are projected on the opposite wall of the pavilion. One of the plasma panels is used for demonstrating the key projects of urban development. As means of demonstration the "augmented reality" is chosen. Selecting a project on the iPad, a visitor can see its 3D model on the screen and can rotate it in any way and study all the sides.
In the central part of the exposition there is an art installation "Aal-Luuk Mass" (World Tree). World Tree is the source of world life, heart of the universe. Trunk of the tree is a pillar and crown consists of projection screens, which show a projection, consisting of four linked themes. Images of the northern lights, diamond pipes, falling leaves and snow, clouds, water are projected on the screen. In general the installation demonstrates the unity of a human and the world around him.
At the back of the exposition showcases-niches in the form of diamonds are placed. In the niches there are exhibits from the Treasury of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (crafts, samples of minerals, etc.). The illumination of the exhibits creates visual effects of permafrost and kimberlite pipes. One of the most interesting objects of the exposition is an engraved diamond, which is fixed under a special device with a magnifying glass so as the pattern applied on the hardest of minerals could be seen in detail.
More information about the Russian pavilion
View pictures of Sakha Republic exposition