Urban practice - a new internet resource

Urban practice - a new internet resource
As part of EXPO 2010 launched the work of the international library of best practices to meet the urban challenges
According to RIA Novosti, September 28, Minister of Industry and Trade Minister Viktor Khristenko has inaugurated a new online resource - an international library of best practices in solving urban problems.
The launch site was during a visit to the Russian pavilion President Dmitry Medvedev. A new online resource urban-practice.com a>
contains a constantly growing library of best international practices in solving urban problems and to disseminate useful experience of urban development.
The library consists of case studies - descriptions of specific examples of solving some problems in the life of the city, including such as the fight with traffic jams, the involvement of the secondary circulation of household waste, introduction of energy efficient technologies, etc. Geographic coverage represented in the library experience is very extensive and covers cases from the lives of cities and provincial towns. Russia's experience in this area is also represented in the library.