
EXPO 2010 is closed
Company Formika
is the official partner for the building of
Exposure of the first level of the Russian Pavilion
at EXPO 2010


Свердловская делегация на ЭКСПО 2010 31.10.2010
Губернатор изучил опыт Шанхая по развитию города и организации крупных мероприятий
Silver of Russia at EXPO 2010 31.10.2010
The international jury awarded the silver prize to the Russian pavilion for opening the theme of the exhibition
St. Petersburg invites visitors of EXPO 08.10.2010
Everyone can take a virtual tour of the city of St. Petersburg
Urban practice - a new internet resource 01.10.2010
As part of EXPO 2010 launched the work of the international library of best practices to meet the urban challenges
Competition for the best cook among children 15.09.2010
At EXPO children were able to try himself as a chef

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St. Petersburg invites visitors of EXPO

St. Petersburg invites visitors of EXPO

Everyone can take a virtual tour of the city of St. Petersburg

Exposition of St. Petersburg - Russia's second capital is opening at the 8th of October in the Russian pavilion following the exposition of Moscow in September. The main aim of the exposition is to demonstrate how to combine historic preservation and cultural heritage of the city with its modernization and implementing of modern technologies in the urban life organization.
Visitors will be able to make a spectacular virtual tour over the cultural capital of Russia, re-created in magnificent images. Through the use of panoramic video content with the artistic effect the City on the Neva is represented to the guests in all its beauty and grandeur. The famous promenade, the old steeples, castles and monuments - all this magnificence should be preserved for future generations. Visitors of the exhibition will not only see but also hear and even feel St. Petersburg: the bottom part of panoramas simulates a stone embankment, behind which the Neva River and recognizable images city life are visible. Day times and weather are changing on panoramas. Video is accompanied by sound effects that resemble the usual metropolis noise, which is time unique at the same as it is inherent to St. Petersburg.
For those who want to feel the atmosphere of this wonderful city better, there is an interactive 5D attraction made as a boat sailing on the River. During a walk through the changing day times and weather conditions the quiet river becomes turbulent and the storm begins. Set of degrees of mobility, stereo, control the boat and realistic graphics create a complete sense of reality of this walk, during which participants will also learn some interesting facts about history of the city.
Exposition of St. Petersburg at the EXPO 2010 is a project of the company Formika. Our specialists have completed work on creating the concept of the exhibition, its design, implementation and technical support, and provide customer service organization of business travel and cargo transportation.
More details about regions' expositions at EXPO 2010