Company Formika
is the official partner for the building of
Exposure of the first level of the Russian Pavilion
at EXPO 2010
Silver of Russia at EXPO 2010

Silver of Russia at EXPO 2010
The international jury awarded the silver prize to the Russian pavilion for opening the theme of the exhibition
The jury of BIE awarded the silver medal in category “Best theme amplification” among the biggest pavilions (over 4000 sq. m.) to the Russian pavilion at EXPO 2010 in Shanghai.Russia hasn’t performed with its own pavilion for over 20 years. Nearly 20 million dollars were invested in the project. Besides, on its conception, architectural concept and its equipping famous architectures and design studios were working. Joint efforts allowed to make the pavilion one of the most interesting and attended one at EXPO. The theme of EXPO 2010 “Better city, better life” was revealed via demonstration of new technologies and key trends of the country’s modernization. Expositions of “Rosatom” and “Rosnano”, innovation centre “Skolkovo”, temporary expositions of over 20 regions of Russia and also such prosperous projects as APEC summit in Vladivostok, World Student Games in Kazan, Olympic Games in Sochi, Touristic claster of Northern Caucasus were represented.
During the exhibition the pavilion of Russia was attended by sportsmen, celebrities and many Russian and foreign officials including the President of Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, Prime-minister Vladimir Putin, Chinese Leader Hu Jintao.
The pavilion was in favour among visitors. Of 72 million people that attended the exhibition 7,5 million became the guests of the Russian pavilion.
Formika participated in implementing this grand project. Our contribution to the Russian pavilion was such works as creation and execution of the central space of the first level of the pavilion, development and execution of the exposition tower “The city of future in the children’s eyes from all over the world”, preparation and execution of Russian regions’ participation in EXPO and many other things.
More details about regions' expositions at EXPO 2010