Company Formika
is the official partner for the building of
Exposure of the first level of the Russian Pavilion
at EXPO 2010
Exposition of

Exposition of
Half a million people visited the exposition of "Rosatom" prepared by Formika at EXPO 2010
State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" presented its exhibition in the Russian pavilion at EXPO 2010. The first out of Russia Info Center for Atomic Energy was opened within the frameworks of exposition and attracted attention of visitors by the dynamics of the program about atomic energy with the use of interactive components and surround sound. The exposition of "Rosatom" fit into the general concept of the Russian pavilion, and generated a response of not only adults but also of children. Game “Assemble the Reactor” attracted attention of young visitors. They learned what the reactor is, how it is organized and how to use nuclear power safely. During three weeks exhibition was visited by half a million people. Formika was engaged in creation and realization of project of the exposition.