Company Formika
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Exposure of the first level of the Russian Pavilion
at EXPO 2010
ICT and urban development
Within the bounds of Forum “Information and computer - based technologies and urban development” at Expo 2010 " Russia demonstrated its advanced development and participated in the discussion of strategic issues in the field of ICT
In May, 15-18 a forum "ICT and urban development” at the Expo-2010 took place. Different events where exhibitors demonstrated their competence in the field of IT were held. Russian delegation, together with representatives of other countries took part in a seminar "Information Innovations and urban development", "ICT and the life of the city", "ICT and industry” where the future of the cities, actively using ICT were discussed. The Russian delegation also presented its program in the Russian pavilion. In innovative tower of the Russian pavilion new information and computer technologies, such as Project Rusavtobus "(technology that allows to calculate travel time from home to place of work, using all types of urban transport), the project «Smart Desk» (training system for people with disabilities), the project "Brain-computer" (technology, giving new opportunities for interaction with the information environment) were presented. Master classes of leaders of the Russian ICT sector - companies ABBYY, YOTA and Yandex were organized. During the forum a special thematic program of the Russian delegation, aimed at gathering and analyzing information on major world trends and advances in ICT, at organizing dialogue with participants from other countries, at the formation of Russian position in relation to these trends was realized. Suggestions to host Expo 2020 in Russia were also made.