
EXPO 2010 is closed
Company Formika
is the official partner for the building of
Exposure of the first level of the Russian Pavilion
at EXPO 2010


Свердловская делегация на ЭКСПО 2010 31.10.2010
Губернатор изучил опыт Шанхая по развитию города и организации крупных мероприятий
Silver of Russia at EXPO 2010 31.10.2010
The international jury awarded the silver prize to the Russian pavilion for opening the theme of the exhibition
St. Petersburg invites visitors of EXPO 08.10.2010
Everyone can take a virtual tour of the city of St. Petersburg
Urban practice - a new internet resource 01.10.2010
As part of EXPO 2010 launched the work of the international library of best practices to meet the urban challenges
Competition for the best cook among children 15.09.2010
At EXPO children were able to try himself as a chef

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Information Computer – based Technologies and urban development


The Russian delegation at Expo 2010 will take part in events dedicated to the thematic forum "Information Computer – based Technologies and urban development"

In May, 15-18 a forum "ICT and urban development» devoted to information and computer technologies will take place at EXPO - 2010 in Shanghai. A special program of the Russian exposition will be timed to this forum. The aim of the Russian delegation at the event is to demonstrate technological parity and competitive advantages of Russia in the field of IT. During the forum the expositions of the Sverdlovsk region and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District will be presented in Russian pavilion. Special attention will be paid to the achievements of these regions in the field of IT. Products of the leading IT - companies and a number of achievements that demonstrate technological parity of Russia in the field of IT will be presented within the frameworks of the exposition of innovative tower of the Russian pavilion. At the second level of the Russian pavilion domestic developments in the field of IT in an entertaining and accessible manner will also be demonstrated. We invite you to visit EXPO 2010!