
EXPO 2010 is closed
Company Formika
is the official partner for the building of
Exposure of the first level of the Russian Pavilion
at EXPO 2010


Свердловская делегация на ЭКСПО 2010 31.10.2010
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Silver of Russia at EXPO 2010 31.10.2010
The international jury awarded the silver prize to the Russian pavilion for opening the theme of the exhibition
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Everyone can take a virtual tour of the city of St. Petersburg
Urban practice - a new internet resource 01.10.2010
As part of EXPO 2010 launched the work of the international library of best practices to meet the urban challenges
Competition for the best cook among children 15.09.2010
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the exposition of Amur region was inaugurated

the exposition of Amur region was inaugurated

26 July, the Russian pavilion was officially opened the exhibition and presentation of the Amur Region

Amur region, which has the longest border with China, presented to the honorary guests the main directions of economic development in the region, as well as the most promising areas for investment cooperation. Chinese entrepreneurs and representatives from industrial companies were among the guests.

Welcoming remarks at the opening of the exposition was made by the Minister of Regional Development Viktor Basargin, who is visiting Shanghai. He also left their impressions in the guestbook of the pavilion, and praised the Russian exposition in general.

The presentation of the region and the opening of the exhibition was also attended by Governor of the Amur region, Oleg Kozhemyako and Deputy Chairman of the Government of Tatiana Chusova.

Exposition of the Amur region, which is one of the projects within Formika of Expo 2010, will tell the visitors about the wealth of the region, its characteristics and traditions, as well as pespektivah its economic development.

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