
EXPO 2010 is closed
Company Formika
is the official partner for the building of
Exposure of the first level of the Russian Pavilion
at EXPO 2010


Свердловская делегация на ЭКСПО 2010 31.10.2010
Губернатор изучил опыт Шанхая по развитию города и организации крупных мероприятий
Silver of Russia at EXPO 2010 31.10.2010
The international jury awarded the silver prize to the Russian pavilion for opening the theme of the exhibition
St. Petersburg invites visitors of EXPO 08.10.2010
Everyone can take a virtual tour of the city of St. Petersburg
Urban practice - a new internet resource 01.10.2010
As part of EXPO 2010 launched the work of the international library of best practices to meet the urban challenges
Competition for the best cook among children 15.09.2010
At EXPO children were able to try himself as a chef

All news

Russian Pavilion continues to surprise visitors

Russian Pavilion continues to surprise visitors

Nizhny Novgorod region presented a new vision of traditional dolls, and Rostov will show how one can live playfully

The Russian pavilion is different from others in that it is the constant change of exhibits. Can not imagine all the diversity of cultures of Russia, as well as the full range of products and technologies in our country even on the space in 6000 sq.m. (that is how much is the Russian pavilion at the Expo). Therefore, exposures succeed each other in the towers of the pavilion, and each of them becomes a kind of discovery for visitors.

From August 22 at the pavilion you can see the exposure of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The main idea of the Nizhny Novgorod region has a strategic development area as an eco-oriented and balanced center for a comfortable and harmonious life. To understand this idea, people of all nationalities do not need translation: exposition decision speaks for itself. Two dolls - traditional and modern - meet every visitor. Made from modern materials, bright and unusual matryoshka retains primordial form, so beloved by all. Looking at her, you know: to save all the best and the same time bring modern features and design - that is principle of life of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Surprises for the visitors of the Russian pavilion does not end there. On 24th of August exposure of Rostov region began its work . This region, rich in tradition and resources of all kinds, always used to be in the spotlight. Is no exception, and participation in the Expo.
Our slogan for the exhibition is "Live - playfully". Rostovites have developed a theme of the exhibition concerning life in cities, focusing on the internal structure of urban life and especially on ways to adapt existing residential areas to the urban realities of the future.
Masterfully matched design of the idea and its realization will not leave indifferent any children or adults: everyone who visits the exposition, will be able to see a futuristic city, built "based on" the Rostov region. Bright facades, functionality and aesthetics - that is how residents of the Rostov region see their city .

Exhibit of Nizhny Novgorod and Rostov regions will be on display for two weeks.

About other expositions of Russian regions .